Poster Design, Graphic Design, Typography, EA Projects, Elizabeth Azen; Lynn Hunt, Martha Rossler, Nina Dubin, Meredith Martin, Jennifer Germann, Mechthild Fend, Paris Spies Gans; University of Florida College of Art School of Art & Art History,…

HESCAH Lecture Series
Poster Design

University of Florida
College of Art, School of Art & Art History; Harn Museum of Art

Design Direction

Poster Design, Graphic Design, Typography, EA Projects, Elizabeth Azen; Anne Dunlop, University of Melbourne, Spyros Papapetros, Princeton University, Irene Backus, Oklahoma State University, Benjamin Tilghman, Washington College, Megan McNamee, War…

Poster series design for HESCAH’s ongoing lecture series and symposia — a joint initiative between the University of Florida’s College of Art and the Harn Museum of Art.

/ Design Detail / Three columns function like elevators, allowing text and image to rise and fall based on volume and types of content for any given lecture series. This project was designed as a flexible poster template to accommodate evolving content. Monochrome image treatment unifies the varied aesthetics of lecture images; the color palette changes with each lecture poster from one season to the next.

/ Symposia / The Harn Eminent Scholar Chair in Art History (HESCAH) program brings to the University of Florida distinguished scholars whose work represents a range of fields in the history of art. / 2017–18 Thinking Women: Art and Representation in the Eighteenth Century / 2018–19 Image, Ornament, Matter: A Symposium on their Limits and Intersections in the History of Art.

Related: HESCAH Visual Identity 
